[RBS] More about Women's tefilla at the Kotel this friday am

[RBS] More about Women's tefilla at the Kotel this friday am

yehudis schamroth yehudisschamroth at yahoo.com
Tue May 7 22:43:55 IDT 2013

Exerpt from the Yehiva World News 
"Gedolim Endorse  Women's Tefilla Planned for this Friday am at the Kotel"
The provocation and danger posed by the “Women of the Wall,” that group which descends upon the Western Wall each Rosh Chodesh with Talleisim, Tefillin and Sifrei Torah, led by Anat Hoffman, formerly of Meretz and now one of the heads of the Reform movement in Israel, has reached unprecedented levels. Not only could changes be made to the Holy Site at the Kotel, but Hoffman intends to leverage this issue to make far-reaching changes to the definition of Judaism in the Holy Land.
A new group of women, Women for the Wall, call upon all women who value the Temple as a sacred site, and Jewish tradition as has been our practice for thousands of years, to come to the Kotel at 6:30 am on Rosh Chodesh, to daven and say Tehillim for Klal Yisrael and the great dangers to Torah and Judaism posed by these groups. In so doing, these Bnos Yisrael will arrive before the Women of the Wall, and show the Israeli government and world media that the vast majority of women who wish to pray at the Kotel oppose any changes.
Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President Emeritus of the National Council of Young Israel, approached Maran Hagon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman Shlita about this new initiative. Rav Shteinman responded that it is important to do this, on the strict condition that there be no violence, chas v'shalom...
( see the rest of the article)

call/write to me if you plan to attend (very early) this friday am 
 so I can arrange transportation
 Dear fellow Jewish Woman, 

We are requesting your help in an urgent project for Klal Yisrael. 

Sivan is the month when we got the Torah and took upon ourselves ol malchus shamayim as a united nation k'ish echad b’lev echad. 

This Rosh Chodesh, we are assembling a large group of women to pray together at the Kotel for the welfare, sanctity and unity of Klal Yisroel. The Women OF  the Wall have no more than 100 members in all, and we know that many, many more women who go to the Kotel STRONGLY OBJECT to what they are doing. 

This is not a protest or a demonstration. Women will NOT be requested or encouraged to interrupt their davening, confront the other women, or address the media. On the contrary, that would all be counterproductive. Simply by being present and standing apart, we will be sending the silent but powerful message that the overwhelming majority of women davening at the Kotel opposed introducing any changes at the site.
This Rosh Chodesh event has received the blessing  of Rav Chaim Kanievsky and the approval of Rabbis Yitzhak Berkovitch, Shlomo Amar, Dov Lior, and Shmuel Eliyahu. 

We urge you to please come join us on Erev Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, May 10, at 6:30 AM. Please let us know if we can count upon you to participate. We also urge you to reach out and bring as many friends as possible. 

If you want any further information about our group or would like to assist in our effort, don't hesitate to contact Ronit Peskin 050-710-1791 or 02-997-2261 or Leah Aharoni - 052-6852571

Buses will be available subject to registration.


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