[RBS] PLEASE READ: One week - Your blood donation is EVEN MORE meaningful this time

[RBS] PLEASE READ: One week - Your blood donation is EVEN MORE meaningful this time

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Mon May 20 09:50:09 IDT 2013

Dear Listers,
Please make every effort to attend the upcoming blood drive!!! Roi ben Dorit, the nephew of our neighbors Offir and Missy Dor, was critically injured in a car accident last week and has been receiving blood thanks to donations from communities like ours. Let's help the family "pay back" this blood by coming and donating blood for Roi!!! Please keep Roi in your tfilot for a refuah shlema!!!!
DATE: Sunday, May 26, 2013 (17 Sivan 5773) (NOTE that this our last drive before the summer. With end-of-school-year celebrations, vacations, etc., people don't think about giving blood. Unfortunately, the need for blood is always high. Our drive is very important to helping MDA replenish and maintain our precious nation's blood supply!!!)

TIMES: 17:30 to 22:30 

PLACE: Beit Knesset Feigenson, Nofei Aviv (downstairs in the Ulam Smachot)

WHO: Healthy adults ages 18 to 65 (17 with a parent's note). Other restrictions apply. For details, see our website at www.shemesh.co.il. Click the Teddy Bear!

SPONSORED BY: This drive is generously sponsored by Deb and Joe Weisblatt in honor of their upcoming 30th wedding anniversary and l'ilui nishmat Deb's Mother, Linda Bressler Z"L, who passed away 25 years ago on 3 Iyar.
IMPORTANT: If you think you may fail your hemoglobin test, go to the kupah in the next day or so and as your doctor for a CBC (complete blood count). You will get the results back quickly and if your hemoglobin is above 12.0 (for women) or 13.0 (for men), print out the results and bring them to the drive. MDA will use these results and not test you at the drive. If your results are too low, eat iron-rich foods from now until the drive (meat, sesame/tehina, dark greens) and hopefully your levels will be OK when the test you at the drive.
WHAT TO BRING: Teudat Zehut, Passport, Driver's License

WHAT NOT TO BRING: Please leave your adorable children at home. We don't provide babysitting and a blood donation center can be a dangerous place for small children (especially while their parents are donating blood). Arrange a babysitter or swap with a neighbor - you can watch their kids while they donate and they'll watch yours while you donate!

As always, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. If I don't know the answer, I'll refer you to the nice folks at MDA who do!!

Kol Tuv,

Deb Weisblatt (for the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee)
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