[RBS] Friday morning tour of Beit Shemesh

[RBS] Friday morning tour of Beit Shemesh

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Mon May 27 11:18:01 IDT 2013


Presented by guides from Midreshet Beit Shemesh:


"Maybe Because of Those Times"


Let's reveal where it all started.

There's a history, both far and near, that lies hidden right here under 

our nose, in Beit Shemesh. Join us on a tranquil walking tour and discover

wonders of this city. We'll travel through the Tanach era, the War of

Liberation and the days of the "Ma'abara" (early tent cities). Bravery,

Zionism, faith and mutual responsibility are some of the values that

will be brought to the fore.  See the first Beit Knesset built in Beit


The tour is in Hebrew, and will take place on the following dates:



22nd Sivan, 31st May

6th Tammuz, 14th June


between 09:00-12:00, leaving from Rechov HaMishlat 12.


Cost: 10 NIS per participant


Prior registration is recommended.

Please check in advance for any changes to scheduling

(the same tour will be given on both above dates)


For further details and registration, please contact:


Midreshet Beit Shemesh 9999662

nava at mbsh.org.il


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