[RBS] Blood Drive Stats and Thanks

[RBS] Blood Drive Stats and Thanks

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Tue May 28 10:02:49 IDT 2013

Dear Everyone:
The 39th Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive brought in 171 pints of life-saving blood!!! AMAZING!!!! Thanks to EVERYONE who came and donated!!! (Check out the statistics from all the drives - http://www.shemesh.co.il/bd/BloodDriveStatistics.html.) The MDA staff is very thankful...as always!!!  Kol Hakavod L'Kulam!
We hope that our efforts in this drive will help Offir and Missy Dor's nephew, Roi ben Dorit, to "pay back" the blood that he has received during his recovery. Please keep Roi in your tfilot for a refuah shlema!!!!
We had many first-time donors and we're especially proud of their efforts and donations! We also had many groups - parents and their Young Adults, married couples, dating couples, siblings, and friends who came to give together! I'm so glad that the Blood Drive is considered by some to be a quality outing.
* The people who came and, for whatever reason, couldn't donate. If you can get to MDA in Yerushalyim within the next month to give, that would be great and you'll still be on schedule for the next drive in Beit Shemesh. If you can't get to MDA, we hope you'll try again at the next blood drive. 
* Ruth Posner for her efforts at the Adi table. 18 people signed up and many people took a card home to think about it. You can sign up for an Adi Organ Donors card at www.itc.gov.il/eng/merkaz.html. People can contact Ruth by email (posnruth at gmail.com) for more information regarding live kidney donations. (Also, thanks to Ruth who helped out at the food tables last night.)
* Tzivia Posner who helped with driving and even went out and bought more water and cookies when the crowds exceeded the food supply!!!
* The guys from Yesodei HaTorah (and Dvarya Katz who helped organize them), the women from Machon Ma'ayan (and Atara Louk/Elisheva Storch who helped organize them), and the women from Tiferet who came to donate. We're happy that you can come and donate blood during your year of learning.
* The Va'ad of Beit Knesset Feigenson for giving us the big, comfortable Ulam Smachot and making sure that it's nice and clean! AND to all of the R/BS Gabaiim who announced the Blood Drive in Shul!!
* All of the families of the Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee members and helpers (see below) for always supporting us in our efforts to bring blood donation to Beit Shemesh. You certainly share in this Mitzvah, along with the donors and extra helpers.
* The people who helped with this drive in so many different ways. We have a wonderful committee (see below) who help plan and execute the drives. But for this drive, we had extra people who stepped in and gave a helping hand. They include (in no special order): (I apologize to anyone whom I may have forgotten to mention!!! All of your contributions were very, very important!!!)
    * Setup – Talia Novick, Yael Weisblatt
    * Posters - Yael Weisblatt
    * Blood Pressure – Aviva Strahl, Elisheva Finkelman, Tehila Kagan, Yehudis Schamroth
    * MDA Support – Minna Lipner
    * Registration – Wendy Serlin, Maryon Hamburger, Ruth Kenner
    * Food Distribution -  Yanai Posner, Yael Weisblatt, Rachel Weisblatt
    * Drivers - Atara Klein, Tzivia Posner, Naomi Schwartz, Missy Dor
    * Cleanup – Dena Denkberg
And last but not least, a WHOPPING Thanks to the hard-working Blood Drive committee for all of their work with this drive. I sign the emails, but the Blood Drives are certainly not a one-woman effort. The committee members help with setup and cleanup, filling out and putting up posters around town, calling/emailing/SMSing people to remind them about the drive, buying and dispensing food, transporting donors to and from the drive, helping donors at the drive, photographing for potential newspaper articles, taking blood pressure/checking hemoglobin, managing registration, directing traffic, supporting the MDA people, and just ensuring that everything runs smoothly. For the May 2013 drive, these committee members include (in no special order): Kaylee Novick, Laurie, Kossowsky, Elke Harow, Reuven Eliaz, Jay Wolf, Yossi Klein, Ruth Posner, Chaim Friedman, and Aryeh Koenigsberg. Tizku L'Mitzvot!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The date for the next drive is Sunday, September 29, 2013. (Yes, it's the first Sunday after the Chaggim!!)
Have a very safe, healthy, and happy summer!
Deborah Weisblatt
Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee
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