[RBS] New and Exciting at the BTYA Shiurim Website

[RBS] New and Exciting at the BTYA Shiurim Website

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham Information info2 at btya.org
Thu Nov 14 09:20:37 IST 2013

For those spare moments, long trips or any other time you can squeeze in
some extra Torah and inspiration, the following may be helpful:

The Rav's daily combination of halacha and Chovos HaLevavos (5 minutes) can
be found at the following link. CHANUKA-RELATED halachos start from #70

The Rav's new series on Hilchos Shmitta through Rav Kook's commentary
Shabbat Ha'Aretz on the Rambam is going strong. First SIX shiurim can be
found at:

Rabbi Dovid Learman's well loved Parsha Gems shiurim are now supplemented by
his first two HILCHOS CHANUKA shiurim.

Rav Jacobson's Fundamental's shiur has started addressing Chanuka. See
Fundamentals shiur 21 at:

Rav Jacobson's Kuzari shiurim have MOVED to their own directory, and can be
found at:

PS - The z'chus of hundreds of hours of Torah shiurim can be yours for as
low as $100 per month! Write back for more details.

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