[RBS] three workshop series in rbs

[RBS] three workshop series in rbs

Henchie Weinreb hnweinreb at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 12:51:49 IST 2013

1. BALANCED PARENTING - 12 sessions (mornings)
We are going to explore some of the major issues that affect parenting
today, including asserting authority in a healthy way, understanding the
role of parent and the role of child, how to strive for excellence in our
parenting, how to help our kids improve without harming them, and lots
more! Bring your questions to the sessions dedicated to q&a and feel more
confident in your role as Ima. Applicable for kids from toddler through

Balanced Parenting Workshop:
Where: Home of Michal Gruen, Nachal Snir 10/2
When: Wednesday mornings from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (dates TBA once the
minimum amount of participants are registered)
Fee: 140 nis x 3 months (payable at the beginning of each 4-week period)
Preregister: call 02-999-0506 or email hnweinreb at gmail.com

2. HOW TO STEP OUT OF POWER STRUGGLES - 6 sessions (evenings)
We are going to focus on the topic of power struggles to gain a greater
understanding of how to assert our authority in a healthy way, creating a
more pleasant dynamic in the home, how to implement consequences, and more!

Power Struggles Workshop:
Where: Home of Mya Beitsch, Nachal Katlav 14/5
When: Wednesday evenings, 8:45 - 9:45 pm, starting a week after chanuka
(december 11, 18, 25, january 1, 8, and 15)
Fee: 200 nis for all 6 sessions
Preregister: call 02-999-0506 or email hnweinreb at gmail.com

3.TEACHING KIDS TO PITCH IN AT HOME - 2-sessions (mornings) -- starting

This workshop is offered in conjunction with Yad Tomech. Come and learn why
we need to teach kids to contribute, how to get them to do so in a pleasant
way (for us AND them), plus a lot of tips and tools for creating a pleasant
atmosphere that encourages everyone in the family to do their part.

where: home of Hadassah Prisman, revivim 9/2
when: session 1: Tuesday, November 19 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
          session 2: Tuesday, November 26 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
fee: 80 nis (partial donation will be made to Yad Tomech)
no preregistration required

Please check out www.getparenttools.com to get more information about the
workshop topics being offered, plus hear sample voice clips from past

Henchie Weinreb, MSW
Parenting Consultations and Workshops

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