[RBS] questions and actual answers rather than slogans

[RBS] questions and actual answers rather than slogans

Rafi and Shifra Goldmeier goldmeier.family at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 18:09:56 IDT 2013

Are you tired of hearing all the election slogans, and perhaps 
highlights of eventual policy,  over and over again, but not getting any 
real substance? Do you have questions you want answers to but feel that 
so far the election campaign has yet to provide substantive explanations 
and plans of what it plans to do for the city?

I am working on a list of serious policy questions for Eli Cohen to 
answer and publicize, so people can see what he plans to actually do 
(starting) on October 23, 2013, should he win the mayoral election. If 
you have qustions and wonder what Eli Cohen's thoughts are regarding 
your question, please send them to me and I will include it in the 
master list. I have already submitted many questions to Eli Cohen, and 
he is working on a detailed set of answers.

Examples of questions already submitted:

  * What are the plans for fixing up the Matnasim, especially those that 
have been shut down due to lack of funding and inability to cover 
necessary repairs? Where will the money come from to fix them up?
* what will be the policy regarding amutot taking over schools, such as 
Shaalei Torah taking over Orot and Ahavat Yisrael?
  * for a long time already many schools are suffering from a lack of 
funding to the point that necessary safety measure cannot be 
implemented.. examples: the collapsed wall in Uziel, the loose rocks in 
Safot v'Tarbuyot, etc. What do you plan to do about these situations, 
and where will the money come form?
  * People leaving the city used to be able to get off every intercity 
bus at Tzomet Shimshon. This was very important for those traveling to 
the southern parts of the country. Ever since Superbus took over many of 
the lines, Tzomet Shimshon has been canceled as a bus stop, leaving 
people no access to the south via public transportation. What do you 
plan to do about this situation?

and many more...

so, please send to me your questions, and I will do my best to 
incorporate them in the master list and hopefully we will get actual 
answers and plans, and not just slogans.

kol tuv

goldmeier.family at gmail.com

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