[RBS] Shiur 1st day of Rosh Hashana - United we Fall-Divided we Stand

[RBS] Shiur 1st day of Rosh Hashana - United we Fall-Divided we Stand

Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik ohrshalomrbs at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 00:46:10 IDT 2013

"United we Fall-Divided we Stand" - a shiur in English that will be
delivered by Rabbi Moshe Stern - prominent Rav in Toronto, community
leader and magid Shiur  - first day of Rosh Hashana at 6:40pm, in the
Bet Midrash of Bet Knesset Ohr Shalom, Nachal Maor 27.
Rabbi Stern and his Rebbetzin have made Ramat Bet Shemesh their home
for a significant portion of the year. We are delighted to have them
with us.
Men and women are encouraged to attend and be inspired.
Ketiva V'Chatima Tova

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