[RBS] If You Knew What is Going on Behind Our Backs...

[RBS] If You Knew What is Going on Behind Our Backs...

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 10:14:27 IDT 2013

Politicians in the know are talking about a behind-the-scenes plan that is
cooking to remove thousands of Jews from their homes, ala Gush Katif…Hashem

A few action items, for even the faint at heart:

1. After your silent Amida, have extra concentration during the words of
"Vechol HaCHoshvim Alay Ra'ah..." that these evil plans not be allowed to
ever see the light of day. You can do this on RH and YK, too!

2. Join, immediately, the email list for Bet Shemesh Against Jewish
Expulsion, by sending a blank message to bsaje-subscribe at yahoogroups.com.
This group was designed to focus our local efforts against plans of the
sort. The list has been operative since several months before Gush Katif was

Ketiva Vachatima Tova.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"Har HaBayit…the Heart of the Jewish Nation”
הר הבית – לב האומה


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