[RBS] A very sweet new year?

[RBS] A very sweet new year?

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Sat Sep 7 21:22:33 IDT 2013


If you are one of the majority of family's  in our wonderful community who
is blessed with the financial ability to pay all of your bills at once, then
you cannot, baruch hashem,  relate or understand the dilemma of the people
who cannot

The food recycling program of Ramat Bet Shemesh does not assist people who
are without food. We assist people whose budgets' are SO tight, that they
are often forced to feed themselves and their children low quality food
which is cheap and often lacking basic nutritional value. THIS is where we
come in...

The donations of  LEFTOVER food you provide help allieviate a lack of
protein in the diets of our recipients.

Many of you have written to me expressing great surprise that I am
collecting food almost a week old. Unfortunately, these people are not in a
position to demand the very  freshest food possible. If any of you dislike
the  idea of people taking leftovers, I will gladly accept your cash
donations and buy them fresher food  !

The bottom line is that I am grateful to   all of you who set aside the
{mehadrin} leftovers your family will not eat and might go to the garbage.
If you have no way to arrange us to meet to give it away, of course I will
do my very best to arrange to have it picked up;those with transportation
often meet me somewhere convenient for pick up, and it is GREATLY

Wishing you all a Gmar Ktima Tova,

Beryl Shmuel and Family
hotslucha at bezeqint.net

PLEASE limit your donations to salads, meat/chicken/turkey, cheese and fish
items. I rarely find takers for leftover challah....

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