[RBS] BRCA LECTURE"Choosing the Right Path in a Maze of Twists and Turns" OCTOBER 13TH

[RBS] BRCA LECTURE"Choosing the Right Path in a Maze of Twists and Turns" OCTOBER 13TH

Dani liebermanfamily at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 14:41:20 IDT 2013


The Breast Cancer Gene  (BRCA1): Choosing the Right Path in a Maze of Twists and Turns

The confusion in navigating the maze of  breast cancer genetics was highlighted by Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a bilateral mastectomy. What does knowing your genetics mean for you?

Dr. Pnina Mor, expert in the needs of healthy breast cancer mutation carriers, will  review the basics of BRCA mutations and  discuss screening and risk management options and the
challenges that BRCA mutation carriers face.

BRCA gene carrier Tzippy Lieberman will share her personal story in a frank discussion about how we make these difficult choices.

Lecture will be given in English.
Sunday October 13th
Kupat Holim Meuhedet Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.
Please RSVP to Karen atkaren at tishkofet.co.il
or the Tishkofet office 02-6310803 byOctober the 8th

Sponsorship for the evening available.
Have you lost a relative or friend to cancer?
Do you know someone recovering from cancer?

Do you want to sponsor the lecture in their memory or for refua shleima.

Life’s Door-Tishkofet, a non profit organization, has been transforming the experience of facing serious illness from one of anguish, confusion or denial to one that encourages collaboration, growth and healing. Through individual consultations, workshops, seminars and retreats, the organization has provided the opportunity for a dynamic dialogue that addresses the value of openly exploring illness and end of life issues.



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