[RBS] we're down to the wire, guys

[RBS] we're down to the wire, guys

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 17:32:20 IDT 2013

Dear friends and neighbours in Beit Shemesh -
Beit Shemesh has the potential to become Israel's primary model of
coexistence among the widest spectrum of Jewish cultures and aliyot. But,
if we don't get off our chairs and DO SOMETHING, BS will continue to be a
model of intolerance and mutual distrust.

The upcoming elections are critical to the future of Bet Shemesh. There is
a grassroots revolution taking place now – but we need your help to make it
a reality! The Eli Cohen for Mayor campaign needs help from all concerned
residents who care about their family’s future in Bet Shemesh - let’s make
the change and put Bet Shemesh back on the road to prosperity and growth.
If we can count you in (and I hope we can!) please send an email to one of
the people below:
Avi Cohen, Campaign Manager : avic193 at gmail.com 050-6208008.
Yaniv Fogel, Election Day Manager : fogel at gmail.com 057-7345514.
Zvi Wolicki, Campaign Operations Manager : zvi at shimshonhitech.com052-3503589.
Ophira Cohen, Manager of Field Activities : ofico2 at gmail.com 050-8937101

Please note: A meeting of new volunteers is scheduled for Sunday, 11th
Tishrei (September 15th) at 8:00 PM in the Campaign Headquarters (formerly
HaSorek clinic, entrance from R' Ha'arazim near the Matnas) - please join
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