[RBS] Too many chag leftovers in the fridge? We can help....;]

[RBS] Too many chag leftovers in the fridge? We can help....;]

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Mon Sep 16 13:09:48 IDT 2013


The RBS food recycling program is available to help yu get rid of your chag
leftovers to make room for the upcoming chag/Shabbos. This is a great way to
let your find a home outside of the trash bin!

Please write me me at address below if you have leftover {mehadrin} cheese,
fish, chicken/meat or salads. We will  do our best to arrange either a
timely pick up, or if you have a car and are willing to meet one of us near
Deal Vzol {makolet} on Dolev, we will make sure to get the food to a needy
family right away!

Tizku Lmitzvos, and Chag  Samayach!

Beryl Shmuel and family
hotslucha at bezeqint.net

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