[RBS] RBS SITUATION - A response to my posting and plea...

[RBS] RBS SITUATION - A response to my posting and plea...

Petite Safranit petite.safranit at verizon.net
Fri Sep 27 10:03:05 IDT 2013

 From an RBS resident...

"...I know that this is not your point, but wanted to springboard from 
your message and add that cats keep snakes away (I saw this first hand - 
a cat and snake showdown in front of my eyes in a parking lot.  It was 
staggering and very educational for me: Snakes are afraid of cats.  They 
also compete for prey: mice) and it is also in our best interest to have 
the cats around even with their screaming at night and with their rounds 
in the garbages.  Better cats than snakes and mice."
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