[RBS] Be happy while you wait - 2 weeks until the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive!

[RBS] Be happy while you wait - 2 weeks until the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive!

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 13 11:31:33 IST 2014

Hi Everyone,

In two weeks, you can save a life by donating blood at the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive.
Since we'll hopefully have lots of donors, do yourself a favor and bring a G'mara, crochet project, book, iPad, or anything else that will keep you happy while you wait! 

Here are the details:

DATE: Sunday, January 26, 2014 (26 Shvat 5774) 
TIMES: 17:30 to 22:30 

PLACE: Beit Knesset Feigenson, Nofei Aviv (downstairs in the Ulam Smachot)

WHO: Healthy adults ages 18 to 65 (17 with a parent's note). Other restrictions apply. For details, see our website at www.shemesh.co.il. Click the Teddy Bear!

WHAT TO BRING: Teudat Zehut, Passport, Driver's License

WHAT NOT TO BRING: Please leave your adorable children at home. We don't provide babysitting and a blood donation center can be a dangerous place for small children (especially while their parents are donating blood). Arrange a babysitter or swap with a neighbor - you can watch their kids while they donate and they'll watch yours while you donate! 

SPONSORS: This drive is sponsored by Joe and Deb Weisblatt in honor of the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Rachel, to Yehiel Lock of Efrat!

As always, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. If I don't know the answer, I'll refer you to the nice folks at MDA who do!! 
Kol Tuv,
Deb Weisblatt (for the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee)

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