[RBS] shemitta news

[RBS] shemitta news

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 22:51:14 IST 2014

At the Kennes Mitzvot Ha'teluyot Ba'aretz , the Rishon L'Zion Rav Yitzhak
Yosef followed in his father's footsteps in explaining the halachic basis
and importance of Heiter Mechira (giving his father's explanation of the
difference between worrying about those who might not keep mitzvot if it
too hard to do so)

Rav Yaacov Ariel spoke about Otzar Beit Din (mentioning that purchasing
 yevul nochri can be a  problem due to Lo Tehoneim)

re trees - in order for a tree's clock to not have to start again when you
bring it home from the nursery, it has to have a 2cm hole and have to have
had enough dirt around it to live for 2 weeks.  A tree in this situation is
allowed to be planted until 29th Av this year.  Otherwise, no planting is
allowed after 15th Av (or 16th at least one minute before shekiya -
different deiot), due to Tosefet Shemitta

all in all, a wonderful kennes, said the hayal who got time off in order to

 BEH we should all attend next year (he took notes, maybe i can type them
up in my spare time)
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