[RBS] MarSea Modest Pencil Skirts in RBS

[RBS] MarSea Modest Pencil Skirts in RBS

Marci Rapp marci at bezeqint.net
Sat Jan 25 23:11:02 IST 2014

MarSea Modest now has a rep in RBS selling our Pencil Skirts & 3/4 Tees & Tops.  
Ann Chapler (on Shimshon) is now selling MarSea Modest CASUALWEAR in RBS.

She also has our special Fuzz Busters - or Fabric Shavers - or Lint Removers - an amazing fashion maintenance product to remove those pesty fuzzballs on your clothing.

Our Casualwear line includes:
  a.. 26" modest Pencil skirls (denim, knit & twill) - stretchy & pullon - no zippers/buttons
  b.. 3/4 Tees & Tops
  c.. Leggings - long to ankle - silky - great under pencil skirts
  d.. Lacey Vests - very popular to layer without weight & very pretty
We have sizes from 000(US2-4) up to 3(US18-22)
MADE IN ISRAEL by MarSea Modest
Please call Anne Chapler for an appointment.

Marci Rapp
MarSea Modest Swim & Casualwear
Cover what you want...in style & comfort!
EMAIL: marci at bezeqint.net
CELL: 050-424-8359
FACEBOOK PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/MarSeaModestSwim.Stretchwear
Thornhill>Katamon, July22/08
SAVE A LIFE! DONATE A KIDNEY in Israel - I did - contact me for more information.
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