<div dir="ltr"><p>Delay no longer! Take the time NOW to review your calendars for the dates<br>between Sunday, March 25 and Friday, April 6. Choose your dates,<br>morning, afternoon or both, and PHONE* Yonah Naiman at 054-311-9017.<br>
Book NOW to get the times you need - bookings are going fast! </p>
<p>We've been doing this longer than anyone out there, and want to continue to<br>give you the best of our efforts. Our guys will be trained and ready to go - <br>whether it's large or small appliances, windows, chairs, tables, kitchen or book <br>
shelves, nooks, crannies, etc. - they'll know just what to do!</p>
<p>Looking forward to taking your calls!</p>
<p>~Yonah Naiman<br>for the Home Team Pesach Cleaners</p>
<p>*information & bookings by phone please.</p></div>