<div dir="ltr"><div> - for parents and grandparents of this post-industrialized, super-commercial generation - </div>
<div>this book is not just another parenting book,</div>
<div>and is not yet another "method" of parenting.</div>
<div>If you have read it already and feel ready to start </div>
<div>a bonding community for your child please contact me</div>
<div>by replying to this mail.</div>
<div>If you haven't read it - please do so for the sake of your child.</div>
<div>It is not available in English at the local book stores, and the translation </div>
<div>into Hebrew is pathetic. If You have a copy of it in English I'd love to borrow it.</div>
<div>Thank you.</div>
<div> </div></div>