Rebbetzen Machlis will be giving shiur this week,(last one before summer-unless we can convince her otherwise)<br><div dir="ltr"><div><div><br>Start your week with a wonderful shiur.<br><br>The shiur will take place at the home of Natalie Shaw.<br>
<br>Place: Nachal Dolev 49/6.<br>
Time: Sunday morning 11:00 <span></span>- 12:00<div><br></div></div></div><div><div><div>(Sometimes the Rebbetzn runs a little late. If you would like an update please call me after 10. On 0548311751. )<br><br>Suggested donation 15sh<br>
<br></div></div>Have a shavua tov<span></span><span></span></div></div>