A small, elite unit that's currently in Lebanon is hungry :)
They've been there for almost 2 weeks and are not going to be with their
families for Sukkot :(
If you prepare something, we will get it to them bli neder.
The idea is to give them a taste of home (they don't need bags of chips,
- Mehadrin of any sort
- Non-refrigerated
- Baked
- Cooked
- Sweet
- Salty
- Letters and notes are eaten up, happily, too
Must be brought to Nachal Luz 8/4 by 4 AM Erev Chag/Wednesday (yes, I'm
Just leave it in the Sukkah right by the front door. No need to knock.
Tizku Lemitzvos
Please don't write back unless it's important - trying to reduce my email
גמר חתימה טובה
Aryeh Leib Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"