10 Mar
10 Mar
8:18 p.m.
*An Unforgettable Evening of Chizuk- *TYA invites all women & girls to an unforgettable evening uniting English speakers from all over Eretz Yisroel in *Binyanei Hauma, Monday March 11th. *With *Rav Gav*, *Chayala Neuhaus*, *Dina Storch*, and a *child soloist* together with a* live band powered by Freilach*. This event stands apart from standard musical performances as its purpose goes beyond entertainment. The theme is centred on empowering us as Jewish women and girls. Purchase tickets at glatticket.co.il/58693 or 02 6471822. 50% Maaser money can be used l'chumra. Group discounts available *Please email or call me on 0548481728 if you have space. Thanks!*