A weekly zoom organized by RBS Women!! Hi Ladies, We are about to start a new month with Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller)! I'm sure most of you know of the amazing Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller), which we can safely call one of the top leaders and most incredible speakers and educators in the Jewish World today. Her encyclopedic knowledge, profound wisdom, touching wit and razor sharp mind is what have been inspiring women in Eretz Yisrael and beyond, for the last 40 plus years… She has been incredible so far, sharing with us her brilliant and life-changing insights. I am so grateful to be part of this experience, and I would love for you to benefit! You can sign up for the next month, starting this week here <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-mupj0qEtLkQd4pXC-90s6j3Q4BGDwY> . In addition, if you sign up this week, you can get all the recordings from this last month too- at 50% discount here <https://buy.stripe.com/14kdRa9464L7bew00w>!! Here are some of the questions she covered last month: - How is a woman's role different to a man's? - How do I balance feeling safe with Hashem vs an urgency to act? - Are we wrong not to send our yeshiva boys to the army? - How can I trust Hashem if I'm afraid of pain? - How involved should I be in directing my older children? - How do I respect my husband if I dont respect some of his behavior? - How can I get better at davening? - Where should secular knowledge fit into our lives? - How so I teach my child about sexuality? - How do I protect my children from friends whom I believe are not good for them? - How do I choose my hashkafa (outlook)? - How do we know if we're ready for the geula? - Why do religious women have so many children ? As we begin the journey of the sefira, this is the perfect opportunity to grow in our middos together in a very real way. The topic for this month is: ‘Improving our Relationships through Perfecting our Middos.’ The classes are every Thursday morning in Israel, and the classes <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-mupj0qEtLkQd4pXC-90s6j3Q4BGDwY> are available both live and recorded (depending on your location) to every woman who wants to benefit!! It will be a ‘question-and-answer’ forum based on different topics. You can send in questions and answers every week, and have them answered for you in the next class! Members are welcome to send in more questions on this topic (or another topic if it's a question that's important to you), either by emailing me or by using this link <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8W4ex19xdXNBsdN5jlRGutHDTQYpOsnDR8mHJ7JDxQyj0Kw/viewform?usp=sf_link> (which doesn't show me where they are coming from.) (You can have a look at the questions so far here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KuXCP0E0KSOr7lqXhTxvWTkej0lx_-UuxVZBEx0AUA0/edit?usp=drivesdk> if you are curious.) The cost of the shiur is only $40 a month! (but if you live in Israel or South Africa, or need a scholarship for financial reasons please contact Devora Levy here <http://dlevycoaching@gmail.com>.) I hope you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Please sign up here <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-mupj0qEtLkQd4pXC-90s6j3Q4BGDwY> . Payment in Dollars here <https://buy.stripe.com/28o9AU1BEelH6Yg28y>. Payment in Shekels here <https://nedar.im/ttlo>. Payment for 2 months here <https://buy.stripe.com/14kdRa9464L7bew00w>. I am also offering a 30% discount on my online course <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/2hpZ0VczGZnTV8FTtmyBZPDAXTPAkLxWB1mptVlJpTlc6iKFQjgGBEb0RfHVaOFxHIM0De0Pbr5_I9QglyMnfZNdJY3D9_bIxdeRUtUSbanDEZCwlQwZHy3p3oNEcE3hvWXURadDzGeg8iyVaA6TVjA59SR-oVWcI19O5gWhm8al_uKpZ8mwzHmWr> on Intimacy in Marriage starting this month, to whoever registers for the class! Please contact me here <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/2wkQUyyYZMV9XTpvh7GEQe98Gtsqrf7HxsIKIdWRbQbM-iKFQjgFaqW_0cXpwF6Ioooe4Pl1VxFIhpfIGxb886wRUeStyoWh1FmN9r16g5k_k65ktALVLUNm1McVzBk99fQ0Zssqd4O4MuQjlpOvGigHow7AuEYpB4-zEq3CfDcJ9aveg> for more information or to hear a free recording, or to schedule a private appointment <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/23VaYrUQwywa-eaUTnMTVzL1F_BJjtbLrFwNL9P2TF5VAiKFQjgFSWaz5P80Zy6mEAJ2gwQghPVFfxqd1m_uC6qeX96XLByk8_iaebgPjdAEderKukmmVTZjInRLqqXdKD5eUtzEmTVnp6NVPBkNbk9eL-LSBdrxF75TqW19AYLMn> here. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Devora Levy ♡ Relationship Coach ♡ email ♡ Life Coach ♡ whatsapp <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/2QNhLYnskSYVhPTgl3XY8e8Csg6uZwbBq3jrAwDU8WsEX0WZyiAHsQN1pxUxRxj2OR6swmeHYH_uzqRdZvuVpo3mNm6D_MJckziFDXdx2ZmASFzAU26PrpUHEd4qbnAlG_O4-dV7oh7aEAIEGmm5jeFsxb6ot2gyN9s2RxVOzUxnlP_rIaNC44rWrMY19tsm2RWS4_GMlCQ> ♡ Jewish Intimacy Educator ♡ website <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/2B9KGcZJMiu-OTEB2mKYdIoeWlzDltM0qWHya22vNDNwe0WZyiAF62Drok4ncfGRKklKy6FvuvaFpeIiDMdG28xa0aLnTngWXxCdx_VhxVI-CVA_yqcUeYqzNuNAYre4zHvtkEi_AbaY3kN6bPeQcQbuvQknoyZ1xZ65K9pM> ♡ Yoga Instructor ♡ course <https://dlevycoaching-dot-yamm-track.appspot.com/2HMbkQIKuxDR8p1Gh0Z5KRI_Lr3As-8fIl8DtWCrTbHUi0WZyiAHDBavu_NnnWnxOgavCrN90RRvGzcKkYg8UnR9tUsvevzix2ZjMkYRaIB3e8bs0w4tL6qrCLB9JYne9y_-YTAeEUn89OrlTVQhXD__8xna7xq61BuD8YNPdqE0bRqbz8Hx4yHM> __________________________________________________________ 31 Nachal Lachish Bet Shemesh Israel 2023 _______________________________________________________