7 Jul
7 Jul
8:19 a.m.
Kol Hanesgamot and Epic Families cordially invites you to a zoom event. This summer, let's meet our children's needs in positive ways and build resilience for the year ahead. Discover practical activities to foster a strong connection and bond with your children. Sunday July 14th 8:00 PM IST/1:00 PM EST To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/.../WN_uy6AzSxXTludPC64oAc0eQ <https://us06web.zoom.us/.../WN_uy6AzSxXTludPC64oAc0eQ?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR270gJy0vAfUkwnY2GmNAYyJRv8tZ4V1C9Sx4XdZ46CQc72RFQTjafwddQ_aem_PpMW5ONxbU5OalNFmjLNbg> ... Very Truly Yours Yaakov Lazar Co-Founder and Director www.kolhaneshamot.org kolhaneshamot@gmail.com Very Truly Yours