2 Apr
2 Apr
10:40 a.m.
Rav Elimelech Kornfeld will be giving a shiur (to women) on the halachos of Pesach preparations on Sunday, April 7th/28 Adar beis at 8:50 pm in the Gra hall Nachal Luz 6 "Making Pesach Cleaning and Preparations a Pleasant and Uplifting Experience (Especially in Artzeinu HaKedosha!)" Mrs. Arielle Garfinkel Kehillas Hagra Secretary Mrs. Arielle Garfinkel Kehillas Hagra Secretary 02-573-4207 (9am-1pm, S-Th) 058-323-5086 For donations: DONATIONS <https://www.matara.pro/nedarimplus/online/?mosad=5773721>