17 Jan
17 Jan
11:15 a.m.
It is with a profound sense of loss to advise of the passing this morning of Dinah Pinczower, an incredible woman of valor par excellence, living a life dedicated to support Torah and Chessed for half a century, mother of Eliyahu (Larry) and Kenneth Ephraim. The levaya and ke'vurah will be held today, Wednesday, 17 January, 2024, 7 Shevat 5784, at Har HaMenuchot in Jerusalem, by Chelka 14 (30 meters on the road past Rav Elyashiv ztz"l), at 16:30 Shiva will be observed by Kenneth Ephraim Pinczower and Eliyahu (Larry) Pinczower, in Beit Shemesh, at 10 Nachal Prat Street נחל פרת, בית שמש 10, at the home of Eliyahu & Naomi Pinczower.