23 Jan
23 Jan
9:56 a.m.
At this difficult time, I want to make you aware of nightly Tehillim that you can join, either live at the Gra, or from elsewhere via a phone call. Weeknights at about 8:30 PM (after 8:15 ma'ariv). Join every night, or just when you want to do something extra or different. Besuros Tovos *For VOICE ONLY, live hookup (no video):* * PHONE hook up: 02-376-4509* *Meeting ID: 893 0457 3285* *or +1 386 347 5053 USor +44 330 088 5830 UK* *Or:* *COMPUTER hook up: * https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89304573285?pwd=aDhGcXdlV2c2UlVUZVZMTE5sNDZlUT09 *Meeting ID: 893 0457 3285* *Passcode: 613*