Hi, my name is Jolene Sonnenberg. I have been instructing women's fitness for the past 25 years in RBS. This Joga class is designed to help you find balance, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Whether you're a beginner or have some yoga experience, you'll find this class both refreshing and invigorating. The class will take place on Tuesday mornings at 9:40 at Michal Gruen's studio on Nachal Zevitan. You can come for classes, with no commitment, or purchase a 10-class pass. See details at www.studiojo.club Looking forward to sharing Joga with you! Sure, I still give Cycling classes in my private RBS studio, too. Call, write, or WhatsApp to me at 054-729-1733 or jolenesonnenberg@gmail.com Jolene "Jo" Sonnenberg RBS Resident for 25+ years