Women's EMETT Group FAQs
What is the EMETT method? In a nutshell: it is a structured method that first helps you gain greater self-awareness as it walks you through the thoughts and feelings which elicited non-productive responses. Then it provides a list of hands-on Tools to help "re-program your internal software" to more productive thoughts & actions to take when faced with similar challenges in the future. Can you give an example? Note: This sample is of a woman with small children - but EMETT can help in many other situations in various stages of life. On Sunday, T.R's kids make a mess, TR is overwhelmed by the amount of work this adds to her already overwhelming work load, yells at her kids for making the mess, and then feels like a failure for yelling at her kids, and decides she really has to work on not doing that again. The next day, the kids make a mess, TR is overwhelmed by the amount of work this adds to her already overwhelming work load, yells at her kids for making the mess, and then feels like a failure for yelling at her kids, and decides she really has to work on not doing that again. • Continuation 1: And so the cycle continues (for the next 10-20 years depending on the size of T.R's family & the strength of her vocal cords....). • Continuation 2: TR joins an EMETT group, and learns a 4 step method through which she discovers what her insecure thoughts are, and shares her feelings of frustration, helplessness and failure with a supportive group (who do not interupt or offer advice). She then chooses from a list of thoughts and actions either (a) to solve the problem (if possible) or (b) that can help her stay calm & accepting of reality, despite the mess, and in either case, sees what middot she can strengthen while implementing new patterns of thoughts & actions. How long is each session? Around an hour & 15 minutes, depending on the size of the group. What is the duration of the group? We recommend participating for at least 3 months to learn the basics, afterwards, like any new skill, the more you practice the better you get. What is Positive Experiential programming? It's a combination of relaxation and guided imagery to internalize the tools. When is the group starting? BeH" in November. How do I register? Email: mailto:alizakr@gmail.com I can't find the email, can you reprint the ad you sent out? Sure: Now you can learn a 4 step method to enhance your life! In our EMETT support group we learn hands-on "Tools", including new ways to think & respond to situations and challenges, where you would love to upgrade your responses, but are struggling to achieve improvement. Join today and see how EMETT impacts every aspect of YOUR life favorably! Price includes a growth promoting "Positive Experiential Programming exercise" (דמיון מודרך) at the end of each session. Looking forward to growing together! Aliza The group is facilitated by Aliza Kramer, who is certified by Miriam Adahan, and has more than 30 years experience of working with EMETT (including Groups for women and for children through the Matnas of Beitar) and private EMETT counseling. Cost: 150* shekels (25% off of regular price) per month (4 meetings). *Scholarships available for women who want to participate, but can not afford to.
participants (1)
Tuvyah Aronoff