Rabbi Hanoch Teller speaking TOMORROW night-Mon. Dec. 4 at the Likrat Kallah event
What an honor to have Rabbi Teller speak at Likrat Kallah's annual event. What a lovely event to come to...salads galore, designer desserts, a chance to see friends, an evening to be inspired by Rabbi Teller 's speech, an AMAZING CHinese auction and raffle and.... We are all doing this cuz we want to help H-shem with His kallahs!!! Yes, every penny you put out for admission fee (30nis or a new gift for a bride) as well as any Chinese auction or raffle ticket, goes straight to purchasing household items for the kallahs. Likrat Kallah, a proud project of Lemaan Achai, has merited to assist 6222 brides in this way over the last 19 years, by gifting each one with 7 new and beautiful household items. Starting this month, we will be giving the brides 8 items. Your ticket purchases make that extra help for the brides, all that more possible, Beezrat H-shem!!! So, come to the event and have a meaningful night out. Beis Tefila-Nachal Refaim 43, doors open at 7:30 with some great desserts(I get first dibs on the Lemon Cream pie but really I can't wait to taste all the great desserts and salads that the women of our amazing community have made-thank you , thank you , thank you), tasty salads and a great vibe. Click here to start purchasing our Chinese auction tickets now-easy as 123!! Check out our new site: www.lkauction.com Thank you to our sponsors: *Double Diamond * Debbie Sassen, Business and Money Coachמ Miriam Wapner, Marriage and Family Counseling Ronni Suna, CBT therapist Labinsky Financial Mortgage Israel, Adam Siegel Lili Sock Shop Yehudis Schamrot-Acupuncture Gold Insurance *Diamond * Now My PC Works.Com Holy Bagel Studio Musikef Simcha Braces Be-Simcha Party Planning and Design Pizza Land *Gold* Dr. Brim, Chiropractor On Tap Shemeshphone Online RBSviews.com *Silver* Simply Soups Sara Dina Golembo-Bach Flower Remedies/Emotion Code Practitioner Hakol L'Shulchan Many anonymous donations including: לע"נ צביה בת יהושע א"ה לע"נ חנה רחל בת משה א"ה אברהם שלום בן יהודה לע"נ A speedy recovery to Betzalel ben Hindle Chaya
participants (1)
Sadeena Pinhasik