Reminder for help for Chanucka Toy campaign for children and Mothers from Sderot
29 Nov
29 Nov
1:29 p.m.
Boaz is the head of MADA in Sederot and was on duty on Oct 7th and saved many people.However he lost most of his co workers and many many neighbours and friends. He wants to distribute Chanucka gifts to 50 families who are still displaced and suffering the traumas.Please help us help Boaz bring some light to these widows and orphans for Chanucka. Please bring ( only) new toys, games , arts and crafts , soaps, body sprays and any other toiletries to Greenman Revivim 20/1 by Thursday at 10pm. Please leave by the door The Greenmans 052-325
Age (days ago)
Last active (days ago)
1 participants
participants (1)
Leora Chana Greenman