Free Stress relief and anti-anxiety treatments for families of chayalim and evacuees at RBSacupuncture
We are all experiencing a collective trauma, but all the more so for those who were evacuated from their homes, serve in the Israeli army, or are families of chayalim, So I am offerring free acupuncture treatments for adults and children experiencing these stresses at this time. Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system and can successfully treat anxiety, insomnia, panic and stress. RBSAcupuncture remains open to all patients for treatment of all regular medical issues as well as "No-tox" Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture and microneedling complimented by holistic acupuncture to tune up your body while refreshing your skin! Other treatments to choose from: facial gua sha, cupping, massage, and herbal medicines -- Yehudis Schamroth CRNA, Acupuncturist, Herbalist Nachal Hayarden 120/6 Ramat Bet Shemesh alef , Israel 0545-91-6673 Instagram: @rbsacupunctureys
participants (1)
Yehudis Schamroth