Chanucka packages for children from the South
We have been in touch with Boaz who is the head of MADA in Sederot. He was on duty on Oct 7th and lost many close friends he worked with and also experienced unbelievable miracles. Many of the surviving staff members and widowers and their children were evacuated and are now staying in small hotel rooms by the Dead Sea. Boaz is planning on personally visiting each family and bringing packages of games,board games , toys and arts and crafts to these grieving and traumatized children and teens . Please help so we can supply Boaz with all the packages he needs to bring to the children and brighten up their Chanucka . Donations may be made via bit 052-3258534 (please specify “Toys for Boaz Campaign”.) Tizku lemitzvos The Greenmans 052-325-8530
participants (1)
Leora Chana Greenman