Benjamin Childrens Library Read-aloud event! Monday, 27.1 Dr. Rinat Green reads "Carmella the Famous Baker"
Monday, January 27th, 6 PM, at the Library: Come hear the story inspiring children worldwide to embrace their strengths and persevere through challenges! This book is especially meaningful for kids with dyslexia or those navigating life’s hurdles, encouraging resilience, self-belief and determination. This event is perfect for children of all ages, as well as families, teachers and mental health professionals. Library hours: שעות הספרייה Sun: 16:00-18:45 יום א Mon: 09:30-12:30 יום ב 19:00-22:00 (Youth/adults -(לנוער\מבוגרים Tues: 14:00-18:45 יום ג Wed: 16:00-18:45 יום ד Thurs: 09:30-12:30יום ה 16:00-18:45 Phone: 991-8499 טלפון _._,_._,_ ________________________________ Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#464) | | Mute This Topic ________________________________ אתר הספריה: Phone: 991-8499 טלפון ________________________________ Your Subscription | Contact Group Owner | Unsubscribe [] _._,_._,_
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The Palmers