Communal Seder Limmud and Divrei Chizuk TOMORROW (Friday) in the Gra shul
1 Aug
1 Aug
6:14 a.m.
Communal SEDER LIMMUD And Divrei Chizuk With the support and encouragement of the local Rabbonim - including Rabbi Elimelech Kornfeld, Rabbi Avishai David, Rabbi Eliezer Margolios, and Rabbi Dovid Genish - the entire community is urged to come join together to storm the Heavens, and beseech Hashem to put a stop to all of Klal Yisroel’s suffering. *it is in our hands!!!* This Friday, there will be a *Special One Hour, Communal Seder Limud*, followed by Divrei Chizuk From Rabbi Avrohom Jakubowitz שליט"א At Kehillas HaGra, Nachal Luz 6 Seder at 11:30 am, Divrei Chizuk at 12:30 pm, Followed by Tehillim. Mincha (1:20 pm) Light Refreshments during the seder *לעילוי נשמת יונתן אהרן גרינבלט הי"ד*
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