Save the date...Annual Likrat Kallah event... Sunday, Dec. 1
The strength of our nation lies in our ability to continue even in the face of challenge, uncertainty and sometimes despair. Since October 7, Likrat Kallah, a very proud project of Lema'an Achai, has merited to help hundreds of kallahs, proving the resiliency of our nation. You've been by our side, helping these girls begin the most important journey of their lives with beautiful, new and ever so useful household items...items that for a myriad of reasons are very hard for them to afford. This year, you've helped brides and grooms from the South who have had to vacate their homes and in some cases, were victims of rockets directly hitting their homes! The annual event is Likrat Kallah's hishtadlut to raise the funds to keep bringing joy to these young couples. Likrat Kallah has merited to help- over the last 20 years- 6456 brides throughout all of Israel! We've got an amazing lineup featuring renowned speaker...*Lori Palatnik!!!* Celebrating our 20th year, we have a super special event with *pianist Yona Willig and harpist Rivka Amar*. Not to mention our AMAZING *Chinese Auction and raffle.* (We've got *37* Chinese Auction gifts and*114* Raffle gifts!!!!) As always, come hungry and treat yourself to our scrumptious array of *salads and sweets. * So, don't forget, Sunday night, Dec. 1 at Beis Tefilla. Until then, Shana Tova-may we be blessed with peace and well being for all of Am Yisrael. Sadeena Pinhasik . Thank you to our event sponsors: *Benefactor*Debbie Sassen, Business and Money Coach *Double Diamond* Ronni Suna, CBT therapist Labinsky Financial Yehudis Schamroth-Acupuncture and Microneedling Gold Insurance *Diamond * Now My PC Works.Com Mortgage Israel, Adam Siegel Holy Bagel Simcha Braces Be-Simcha Party Planning and Design Bet Shemesh Municipality *Gold* Dr. Brim, Chiropractor On Tap Plumbing and Water Filters Pizza Land Shemeshphone Online *Silver* Simply Soups Hakol L'Shulchan *Many anonymous donations including*: לע"נ צביה בת יהושע א"ה לע"נ חנה רחל בת משה א"ה לע"נ אברהם שלום בן יהודה A speedy recovery to Betzalel ben Hindle Chaya
participants (1)
Sadeena Pinhasik