Israeli ISP blocking outgoing SMTP

Israeli ISP blocking outgoing SMTP

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at
Mon Apr 6 21:19:57 IDT 2009

2009/4/6 ronys <ronys at>:
> Hi,
> For the last few days, an ISP who shall remain nameless (but who's name in octal is equal to 11) has decided to block outgoing SMTP connections to servers abroad. They've done this unilaterally, without notifying customers, and, for the first couple of calls to support, without admitting anything beyond "there's a problem, we're working on it".

Typical Israeli ISP attitude?

For a reference - ISP's in Australia notify you that they block
specific ports most commonly used by botnets and let you unblock them
through online toolbox. I think this is a good measure against spam
bots which helps in blocking most of them while still making sure
users who know their stuff can get around it.

Also, apparently due to such measure, Google and (the
exchange host we use) accept SMTP over non-standard ports.


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