Sending servers TO the US

Sending servers TO the US

Amos Shapira amos.shapira at
Tue Aug 11 13:34:48 IDT 2009

2009/8/11 geoffrey mendelson <geoffreymendelson at>:
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
>> It may be because the servers are actually American products and LCD
>> screens aren't... I am not an expert...
> Sun computers, except for a few obscure laptops were (and still are AFAIK)
> made in the US.
> Dell  probably aren't. They have a factory in Texas which makes
> desktops/servers, but ones sold outside of the US are most likey made
> elsewhere.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. All the servers we wanted to buy
where bid on at a higher price than our estimates so we ended up not
buying any.
We might try buying them in the US ebay and have them shipped
internally to the US office.



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