[YBA] i4i vs MS?

[YBA] i4i vs MS?

Jonathan Ben Avraham yba at tkos.co.il
Thu Aug 13 11:47:40 IDT 2009

My dearest fellow list members,
Can someone explain to me what the i4i-MS tiff is about? Do i4i's patent 
claims regarding their XML technology affect other uses of XML besides MS 
Office? That is, on this issue should we be backing MS?
Many thanks,

  - yba

  EE 77 7F 30 4A 64 2E C5  83 5F E7 49 A6 82 29 BA    ~. .~   Tk Open Systems
      - yba at tkos.co.il - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -

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