Sandisk U3 on Linux

Sandisk U3 on Linux

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at
Sat Dec 26 02:02:20 IST 2009

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 01:03:08AM +0200, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> Hi People,
> I have been using Sandisk U3 disk on key (flash disk) since 3 years
> now, and I know U3 does not support Linux.  I was thinking, is it
> possible to convert U3 to Linux?  

What do you mean? It shows up as a two separate devices: a C dand a USB
storage device. Both are well-supported in Linux.

If you want to change anything with the "CD", you'll need .

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at | VIM is |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir at |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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