Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Sun Feb 8 08:57:06 IST 2009

On 08/02/2009, at 08:23, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> Anyone who got spam from "Rinat Zoref" and kept it is welcome to  
> email me in private.
> Also, anyone who got spam from "divur.lasakim", likewise.
> And, whatever you do, KEEP THOSE EMAILS. I keep all of the Hebrew  
> (and Israeli) spam I get.

Why keep them?  Is there really any way to benefit from this, or is it  
a terrible waste of time.  Should I stop filtering out Hebrew/Israeli  
spam?  I get a LOT of it, because my company runs public mailing lists  
for many, many yeshivot and their divrei torah programs.


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