Identifying linux-il messages

Identifying linux-il messages

Shachar Shemesh shachar at
Wed Feb 11 14:38:54 IST 2009

Ira Abramov wrote:
> Have Ely enforce it by:
> * reply-to
> * tag the subject
> * use the mutt-supported headers
> * hack the list server to allow any of the above as a personal setting
> for each subscriber (why is it not a built-in feature?!)
> * let each reader pick his way.
I'm not sure what those "mutt supported headers are".

Anyway, I've given some thought to the "why is it not a built-in 
feature" question. I think the "reply-to" field was deemed too dangerous 
by the mailman programmers (it is explicitly labeled "not recommended" 
in the GUI), and the subject munging is meaningless to perform on a 
per-subscriber basis, as it will get right back when people hit "reply".
> * Ob: Social hacking - start adding XIL or [XIL] to every post and reply
>   here, and see if it catches on, forcing the listmaster to add it
>   permanently :-)
Of course, once you suggest that, you also have to take into account the 
possibility that people will NOT catch on to this. Would you then say 
that it would force the yay-sayers to accept its absence? :-)


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