looking for a live distro for a damaged computer

looking for a live distro for a damaged computer

Erez D erez0001 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 11:58:51 IST 2009


A friend of mine has a damaged laptop - no display (not even via the VGA
connector). i want to use it as a server.
to do that i need access it first. but i have no display ...

I am looking for a live distro (CD) that will automatically (without needing
keyboard / mouse / display ) connect to the network (via ethernet & dhcp)
and run sshd.

my other options are:
1. modify a live cd to do that
2. install linux on a different computer, and then transfer the hard-drive
to the broken laptop.

however, i prefer to have a live distro that does that already.

anyone knows of duch a distro ?

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