looking for a live distro for a damaged computer

looking for a live distro for a damaged computer

Hetz Ben Hamo hetzbh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 16:10:15 IST 2009

You may want to check Knoppix, either CD or DVD versions. IIRC they
can be customized (and burned) to operate SSHD service upon booting.

If it has serial port, you can also login via serial with many live CD's.


2009/2/12 Erez D <erez0001 at gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:16 PM, shimi <linux-il at shimi.net> wrote:
>> 2009/2/12 Erez D <erez0001 at gmail.com>
>>> hi
>>> A friend of mine has a damaged laptop - no display (not even via the VGA
>>> connector). i want to use it as a server.
>>> to do that i need access it first. but i have no display ...
>>> I am looking for a live distro (CD) that will automatically (without
>>> needing keyboard / mouse / display ) connect to the network (via ethernet &
>>> dhcp) and run sshd.
>> Is there really a 'no keyboard' requirement? Because I installed numerous
>> headless Gentoo servers simply by booting from CD (gentoo-minimal - which
>> does not load a GUI by default), waiting a couple of minutes for boot to
>> end, and typing : passwd <cr> somepass <cr> somepass <cr> /etc/init.d/sshd
>> start <cr> - and then continued from a networked computer after taking the
>> IP from the DHCP leases list...
>> -- Shimi
> if it works, that is great. but if it doesn't, i can't know what the problem
> is. so to minimize the options i preffer it does it automatically ...
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