(off thread topic) Linux-il as the source for obscure answers

(off thread topic) Linux-il as the source for obscure answers

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 13:06:58 IST 2009

> I should point out an interesting point. Whenever I try to STFW a somewhat
> obscure general question (i.e. - a "how to" rather than "what is" or "why"
> question. How to do something vs. What does this error message mean or why
> does this happen), Linux-IL more often than one would expect pops up high in
> the results list. It seems there aren't many general lists for consulting
> about high level technical questions.

In general, Israeli sites seem to score high in my google searches. I
am convinced that there is geographic filtering going on, at least for
some searches.

> Which begs the following question: How many people on this list are here
> with no connection to the "IL" part of the list?

I personally have never been to Illinois in my life.

Dotan Cohen



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