OT: Re: Linux for an association I work for.

OT: Re: Linux for an association I work for.

Yedidyah Bar-David linux-il at didi.bardavid.org
Sat Feb 28 22:37:57 IST 2009

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 08:28:21PM +0200, Yotam Rubin wrote:
> Don't get me wrong, OS X also sucks, only to a lesser extent.
> Borrowing your plabeic style, I am basically saying this:
>  1. Windows sucks like a throng of brazillian adult-industry workers
>  2. Linux sucks like a relatively large tribe of nomadic pipe-blowers
>  3. OS X sucks like a pack of hungry anteaters
> Unfortunately, all modern operating systems are seriously flawed.

Actually, not only modern ones. The FAQ for the newsgroup
alt.sysadmin.recovery says, for many years now, 
"3.1) Are there any OSes that don't suck?

Now it also points to some non-working web page, it used to say just
"No." for a long time.

Sorry, couldn't help myself...

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