The new linux-il - a few tips to get you (re)started

The new linux-il - a few tips to get you (re)started

Herouth Maoz herouth at
Wed Jan 28 15:00:04 IST 2009

Quoting Shachar Shemesh <shachar at>:

> Linux-IL is a list with no added "reply-to list" header. You are kindly
> requested to hit "reply to all" when replying to postings arriving from
> the list. Don't worry about people getting two copies. When mailman
> notices that your email is in the "To" or "CC" list, it will refrain
> from sending you the mailing list's copy of the email (it will assume
> that you already received a copy), which means that you will NOT
> receive two copies of emails that belong to discussions you participate
> in.

Now that the list supports the standard headers, there are, in fact,  
mail clients which support a separate "reply to list" button which  
sends to the list based on the appropriate header, which is how I am  
sending this reply.

I prefer it over using "reply to all" because I can then easily scan  
my outbox and detect which messages I sent to the list.

By the way, regarding the "[linux-il]" tag - is there a way to set up  
a poll about this, rather than conducting a lengthy argument?


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