Keyboard problem with Ubuntu and gnome on remote X

Keyboard problem with Ubuntu and gnome on remote X

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at
Mon Mar 2 11:34:16 IST 2009

I just installed Ubuntu LTS 8.04.2 server and upgraded it to a  
desktop. However, the
computer only has a text capabable monitor (640x480) on it.

I changed gdm.conf to allow external connections and connect to it  
from a BSD system
(MacOS X 10.5). When I connect with X Windows, I get a login menu. No  
matter what I
select, I can enter my username and password with no problem.

If I select FVWM or KDE, any text I enter into a dialog box, or in  
Terminal works fine.
If I select (or default to) gnome, I can't enter any text. For example  
"dfg" becomes "124".

If I ssh in and set my display variable to the correct session and  
then start an Xterm, or a
Konsole, again, they work fine if I have FVWM or KDE up and do not  
work with gnome.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Geoff.

geoffrey mendelson
geoffreymendelson at

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