Power management woes [Was: "binks" when using newer kerels]

Power management woes [Was: "binks" when using newer kerels]

Oron Peled oron at actcom.co.il
Sun May 31 00:07:27 IDT 2009

On 30.05.2009 Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
> When I unplug the laptop (Lenovo X200, fully yum-updated Fedora 10,
> KDE, etc., etc.) I expect it to continue working. Audacity of hope,
> bla-bla. Instead, after a few seconds it suspends itself (KDE kicker
> actually pops up a little black balloon saying "click me if you want
> to prevent suspending the system" - or words to that effect - but
> clicking it doesn't do anything useful).

Maybe you still have kpowersave installed? It should be obsoleted
since KDE-4.2 which introduced PowerDevil (packaged as part of
kdebase-workspace, check you have it installed).

> I need to unsuspend it (Fn-F4), and it starts again, but with network
> disabled. I actually need to "sudo service network restart" and then
> to reconnect to the WiFi (the laptops default connection), and then
> everything seems to be fine.

Network connectivity -- note there are two systems:
1. Network Manager - Since F8, became default since F9.
2. The legacy network scripts.

First, make sure they don't fight each other:
  chkconfig --list NetworkManager
  chkconfig --list network

Only one of these should be enabled (normally NetworkManager).
If you want NetworkManager to use your older system configuration
simply choose "system eth0" instead of "auto eth0". This setting
uses a distro specific backend to run the legacy scripts (F9 made
NetworkManager default after having this backward compatibility

> I tried to go over the KDE power management configuration screens (in
> what used to be called Kontrol Center) but every setting there looks
> reasonable to me.

If it persist, aside from reporting this bug against Fedora bugzilla
there are two upgrade paths that may help you:
1. Upgrade to F11 (KDE-4.3) in two weeks (9/2) and apply the 0-day
2. Wait a little longer, as KDE-4.3 is planned to be pushed to F10 after
   the release of F11.

Hope it helps,

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
oron at actcom.co.il                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

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