Monthly waste of time :-) Has anyone been able to buy a Digital TV USB stick in Israel and get it to work under Linux?

Monthly waste of time :-) Has anyone been able to buy a Digital TV USB stick in Israel and get it to work under Linux?

Shachar Shemesh shachar at
Thu Aug 26 15:07:52 IDT 2010

Dov Grobgeld wrote:
> Note that you can only sue for infringement of works that you own the 
> copyright for, or if the owner of the work has agreed that you can sue 
> on her behalf. I.e. before trying to sue someone you have find someone 
> with copyright who is willing to claim that his right have been violated.
In Israel, true. Note, however, that there are enough people in Israel 
who own copyrights in the Linux kernel.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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